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Processing of personal data in DORA

The collection and processing of personal data is necessary for us to keep track of (potential) business partners. As far as possible, this information is anonymised, which can also be used to improve and further develop DORA. Below you can read more about how we handle personal data and your rights.

– As a general rule, you have the right to access your personal data. To this end, you can request a copy of your data from us, as well as request that a copy of your data be transmitted to another company, if this is technically possible.
– You also have the right to object to our processing of your data. As well as to have data that proves to be inaccurate or misleading deleted, blocked or rectified.

If you want to make use of your rights according to data protection legislation, we can be contacted on hello@doratms.com.
1. Personal data collected and purposes of processing
We collect personal data for various purposes, such as company name and address, contact person and contact details. In addition, we collect information via cookies (see our cookie policy) about visitors’ use of the website, such as which subpages are visited. We collect this information in order to provide you with the best possible service, including:

– providing you with access to goods and/or services,
– sending relevant information,
– making contact and offering our services.
1.1 Ongoing and potential business partners
If you represent a company that already uses DORA in its business or with whom we are considering doing business, we may process certain personal data to improve and facilitate our work with that company. We will keep your personal data for a maximum of 36 months after our last contact or at the end of our business relationship.
This information is:
– Your full name
– Email address and telephone number
– Title
– Details of the company you represent
– Our correspondence

We may also process information contained in enquiries you send to us about goods and/or services in order to offer, market and sell these to you based on your enquiry.
1.2 Customer support
For the purpose of providing customer support, we process personal data relating to organisational affiliation, name, email address, telephone number, location data, correspondence, case number and details of the enquiry. Correspondence data may be processed for the purposes of communication with you and registration. We will keep the data for a maximum of 12 months after the end of the relevant service contract.
1.3 Correspondence with other people
Occasionally, we enter into correspondence with individuals in cases other than those described above. This may be the case when individuals have general questions about our services. Such correspondence may include, for example, metadata related to communications via the contact forms on our website. We will keep the data for a maximum of 36 months after the last contact with you.

In addition to retention for the above purposes, we may also retain your personal data to comply with applicable laws, such as accounting laws, or if we need your personal data to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.
2. Collection and storage of data
We collect personal data via forms on our website, which are voluntary to complete. The purposes for which the information is used will be stated.

Information collected via forms on our website is stored in our CRM system, Hubspot.

We do not collect personal or payment details via the website.
3. Possible changes
We reserve the right to change our privacy policy. At the top of this page you can find the date of our last update.
4. Complaints about our processing of your data
You can complain about our processing of your data to the Data Protection Authority. You can do this by contacting the Danish Data Protection Agency at borger.dk, by sending an e-mail to dt@datatilsynet.dk or by post to the Danish Data Protection Agency, Borgergade 28, 5., 1300 Copenhagen K.

Our cookies policy

We use cookies to collect data about your behaviour on the website. We do this to make the user experience and communication on our website as relevant as possible. To the extent that these cookies are not strictly necessary, we ask you to consent to our use of cookies the first time you visit the website. You can opt out, change your consent or delete these cookies yourself.
Below you can read more about:
– what cookies are,
– how to delete and change your cookie settings,
– how long cookies are stored,
– what types of cookies we use and for what purposes.
1. What is a cookie?
A cookie is a text file that a website stores on your computer, smartphone or tablet. The use of cookies enables various features, such as logging into the DORA platform or collecting statistics about, among other things, visitor demographics and behavior on the website (including number of visits, which pages are visited, your geographical location, etc.). A cookie cannot harm your IT equipment or identify you as an individual.
2. How to opt out or delete cookies
If you have consented to unnecessary cookies on our website, you can quickly change this. You can do this in the cookie settings, which you can find by clicking on the round button in the bottom left-hand corner.
It is also possible to set your web browser to refuse cookies from our website. See below how you can block or delete all cookies directly in your browser.
3. How long are cookies stored?
Cookies are stored for varying periods of time. Under “Type of cookies” you can read more about when cookies on this website expire. If you visit the website again, the storage period is extended, but cookies are automatically deleted after their expiry.
4. Type of cookies
There are different types of cookies for different purposes. Necessary cookies are required for the website to function optimally. For example, necessary cookies are used to check whether you have consented or declined cookies on your first visit to the website.
We also use third party cookies to assist with the maintenance, operation and development of the website. These partners are given access to selected information so that they can perform a specific functionality.
4.1 Google analytics
Google Analytics is used to evaluate website behaviour, which helps us understand visitor usage patterns, identify and diagnose problems or errors. We use this data to improve the user experience.
4.2 Leadfeeder
Leadfeeder helps us learn more about website visitors and convert relevant visitors into leads.